I woke up one morning and I was 30 years old, walking down a cold and quiet High Street, in search of bacon rolls (and meds for my virally infected husband). I have a memory of being a kid on the school playground and learning that your "golden" birthday is the one where you are turning the same age as the day you were born. Since I was born on the 30th of March, my 30th birthday is my golden one. Having calculated this, I realized--30 is the age I want to be. And I've been saying this for at more than two decades now. I've been anticipating this day for a long time. Anyone who knows me knows that me + that kind of expectation is a recipe for a disaster. About this time last year, I realized that my 30th would fall on Good Friday--not the most appropriate day for celebrating and not the most convenient day for celebrating when you and your partner both work in the church. I considered letting today pass without fanfare and had thought of planning an Alice in Wond...