London (in 48 hours)

Craig's program this year is by research (no taught classes) so the typical schedule of terms and breaks doesn't really apply. Instead he has three major papers, then the dissertation, and our lives revolve around these due dates. Nov 13, Jan 22, Mar 19, Aug 8. My plan was to take a trip after each of these papers and way to celebrate and get some adventure in. We managed to get in a quick November trip to London. (We'll see what we can do for the others--life is filling up fast though!) The week before the trip was a tense week of paper writing, then I got sick right before the trip, then I don't really know where the days went after that, and I haven't posted on the blog, or exercised, or spent much time with friends since. So I'm grateful we got to sneak in 48 hours in London. Here's what we did: Neither of us had been before so we spent Thursday just wandering around seeing the big sights. What I've learned about myself though is that when I ...