Welcome to Scotland


To the family and friends wanting an update... rest assured, we made it, and with no hassle at all. The same cannot be said of the box we shipped to meet us here (it did make it but with all the hassle. Don't send us anything!! Expect cash via Paypal. We'll accept that ;)

Here's us at the airport.

We were laughing imagining ourselves walking with all of this through all of this (aka the Fringe Festival-- a month-long art festival that takes over the city and centers on High Street, which we live on the corner of.)

image via scottish sun 
Anyway, we wised up and took a taxi to our Air BnB for the night, which, unknown to me when I booked it, was literally across the street from our actual apartment!

View of our apartment from the cutest Air BnB where you can stay there when you come to visit. Or sleep on our living room floor. There's a cot and an air mattress but we haven't tested them. In the picture, our apartment is the blue door between and red and blue storefronts.

The apartment belongs to St. Giles Cathedral where Craig will be working as a part-time assistant minister. The job and the apartment were a welcome surprise and we could not be more thankful. The church thought of everything for us moving in so we arrived to new bedding and towels, flowers, wine, and even Doritos (which you'll know if you follow me on Twitter).

Here's the tour, exactly as we found it:

We are working on finding ways to make it feel like our space, slowly, but surely. More pictures soon. I can't say we have experienced any sort of culture shock (though locals expect us to?) because, you know, it's a Western, English speaking country that we've visited before. We actually feel very at home here. In some ways we feel like we are settling in nicely and jumping right in to life here, and in other ways we're still waiting to feel fully settled. Craig has not yet started his job or school and there are a few things we're still waiting to set up.

There's loads (as they say) more to tell, so stay tuned here for more posts from me and from Craig. Type your email address into the "follow by email" box on the right hand side of the blog to get updates whenever we post. You can also follow our adventures on Instagram @_meekjs.


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