Paul & Susan in Scotland

My parents came to visit the week before Christmas--our first real visitors since moving. I love putting together travel itineraries when I travel somewhere or when someone travels to see me. Even though my dad was unknowingly suffering from strep throat during this trip, (he was taking allergy pills for a "runny nose") we managed to pack in a bunch of fun stuff. The highlight was probably just laughing a lot together mostly as we tried our "best" Scottish accents, and watching my dad run around like a kid, enjoying his first non-US vacation.

We did a walking tour of Old Town where we live, a full day in Queensferry and Dalmeny where I work, and a day trip to St. Andrews. We went inside the Castle, hiked up Arthur's Seat, poked around museums and Christmas markets, and saw about every square inch of St. Giles, and some of New College. We ate haggis, fish & chips, sticky toffee pudding, & so much more. We drank whiskey that was apparently strong enough to not transfer germs, went to a "speak easy" watched my family's favorite Christmas movie, played board games and skittles, and averaged over 18,000 steps a day.


  1. Loved every minute of our time in Scotland!

  2. Thanks for all the pictures Jill. We had a great time, from a wedding anniversary in a 12th century church to standing on top of the world to my first castle to the old course at Saint Andrews, plus all those other interesting places we saw. I should have bought that hat in the Christmas market! I was over the runny nose by day 2 and was drug free the rest of the week. You and Craig are great hosts, more people should come visit you!



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