Summer Walks

These are the faces of two very tired people.

Finishing the MTh almost killed us. The effort was excruciating. For Craig, the effort was writing, which ends up good but comes out slowly and painfully from an intricate and anxious mind.  For me, the effort was moral support which I am objectively bad at.

This all came at the end of a year that was hard. We were very homesick for DC all winter. Adapting to all the changes, me taking on too much too fast, the uncertainties as a result of a lack of feedback or general encouragements for the first eight months of Craig's program, and not taking enough time away... it all added up and weighed us down.

One salve was our walks around Holyrood Park. We took these walks year round, but most often in the summertime when the days are so long the sun doesn't even really set. Here's some pictures from our walks in July that I was too tired to share at the time.


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