100 and 2 Years

To celebrate two full years of living in Edinburgh we went to visit Edinburgh's first working distillery in almost 100 years. Holyrood Distillery is in our neighborhood. If you are visiting Scotland but have to miss the Highlands/Islands, you can now get a whisky tour in anyway! They had just opened when we toured, are in the gin phase now, but whisky coming in what... three years? I think it was our 9th ever distillery tour (counting whiskey and gin) and 7th in Scotland. We liked this one because of the flavor profile room, where you guess the different notes you are smelling in a fun interactive way. I also liked that because it is a short walk from our place it was a very chill visit and low-key activity to mark the end of another year here and the beginning of our... wow... third!

In our 2nd year here we went some new places, tried some new things, and made some new friends. But mostly we settled in. We cozied up our house, found a haircutter we both like, and instituted once a month fun Saturdays to schedule in adventure. We found a routine that was do-able, but did drain us as we worked our butts off and searched for margin.

In this picture, I am either a little tried or a little tipsy or a little both. What I remember from this time though is that we both had a very good feeling about the upcoming year. Looking back on it, there's no really reason that we should've felt that way, and in truth this year has been like any other in terms of ups and downs so far, but that optimistic outlook was a nice boost for a while.


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