Fourth Quarter Fun

In year three we have *mostly* kept up the tradition of setting aside one Saturday a month for a fun adventure/Edi bucket list item. This tradition keeps me from the overwhelming feeling that I am wasting my life away doing work and chores and stuff and the inevitable consequence of jumping off a cliff to escape the mundanity.

aNyWay.... this September we visited Aberdeen, mostly to re-experience the best breakfast we ever ate. We did that and otherwise ate exclusively Brewdog an enjoyed leisurely strolls around the city and campus. We added on the Stonehaven walk because it is one of those classic postcard places. I love it when a plan on paper becomes reality.

This October we hosted Craig's parents for two weeks and toured the Highlands which is a whole other post.

This November we finally checked Stewart Brewery off the Edinburgh Bucket List. It pairs nicely with a trip to Ikea. Sort of. Sorry about this picture Craig but yeah this supposedly short walk from point A to point B feels a lot longer in a downpour while carrying what turned out to be heavy Ikea impulse buys. In typical (hangry) Jill fashion I got real moody until we found the place and it exceeded our expectations. Craig stayed in good spirits the whole time, saving the day.

This December we browsed Edinburgh's newest bookstore, Topping & Company (Craig hilariously calls it Toppingtons for some unknown reason.) This barely counts as an adventure but we're basically dead in December and so this dream of a bookstore following the best coffee in town (Fortitude) is all we really wanted.


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